Bioplastics in agriculture

Bearing the circular approach in mind, MATER-BI has been designed for applications where biodegradability, compostability and renewability provide added value during use and at the end of life, offering solutions to specific environmental problems and reconciling the quality and performance of products with the efficient use of resources.

Through our bioplastic MATER-BI we have designed solutions for agriculture which biodegrade in the soil without leaving harmful residues, contributing to the better growth of horticultural crops and simplifying the work of managing plastics wastes at their end of life. These products meet the European and American standards EN 17033, UNI EN 13432: 2002 and ASTM 6400:2012. Mulching film made of MATER-BI is the first material in the world that has obtained the “OK biodegradable soil” certification issued by TÜV AUSTRIA, one of the leading international certification institutes.

Mulch film

MATER-BI mulch film offers an agriculturally and environmentally efficient alternative to conventional plastic films, having similar mechanical properties and use characteristics.

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Pheromone dispensers

Devices for the controlled release of pheromones made of MATER-BI are an effective and sustainable solution against the main orchard pests.

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Clips and Twines

Clips and twines of MATER-BI for supporting horticultural crops are used in greenhouse cultivation.

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